B.A., B.Env.D., IDC, NCIDQ


Praise for Debbie, from teammate, Mel:

Debbie is a visionary, and a creative + collaborative powerhouse. She knows what she does best, and knows where her team shines brighter. Together, we've been creating phenomenal designs since back in our school days! We partner on projects a lot, and we're always pushing the boundaries of design to give you a space that is truly YOU that you can grow into.

Working with Debbie, means you are collaborating with a passionate interior designer with over 20 years of experience. Debbie is best known for her strategic thinking, creativity, spatial layering, high level detailing, and advocacy for her clients and team members alike.  

A theorist at heart, Debbie takes her design work to a level beyond pragmatics and will work with you to design spaces that adapt to your intrinsic needs. She is passionate about incorporating principles of architectural determinism and understands the responsibility of designing a space you will experience and navigate. There is zero agenda or ego with Debbie - she will constantly strive to understand you as her client to elevate the life of your business or home through her designs.

Debbie began her educational career with a degree in Psychology - giving her the foundation for understanding and analyzing human behaviour, which is evident throughout her mindful design process. 

From 1998-2001 Debbie studied design in the Department of Interior Design before transferring and graduating with a degree in Environmental Design from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. 

After completing her degree, Debbie spent 2 years studying for her Masters of Interior Design, but abandoned her thesis (oops!) to pursue her curiosity of world cultures. Before returning to Winnipeg, Debbie lived and worked in Taipei, Taiwan teaching English, appearing in commercials, and traveling surrounding countries.

Debbie was mentored at EQ3, working on retail, and brand design; Grant Design Group, where she grew focused on corporate, commercial, and hospitality environments; and finally at Fenwick & Co where she honed her residential design expertise.

Debbie’s lifelong inspirational design figures include Walker McKinley of McKinley Burkett and Kelly Wearstler.

Walker visited Debbie’s first design studio in 1998. He can distinguish any interior by brand and emphasizes every detail and layer in a project by the meaning it embodies.

Kelly Wearstler’s avant-garde style, both personally and in all of her projects, is something Debbie loves. 

Debbie is a highly organized, self-proclaimed “brand junkie”, and can throw a mean fast ball. In a former life, she was a competitive gymnast and semi-professional dancer for over 10 years. She never says no to an adventure, and her number one pastime (besides interior design!) is finding the nearest beach.

Debbie is a firecracker, a yogi, and an avid traveler. When she arrives on a job site, she brings an unrivalled energy and playfulness that allows her to get the job done, speak her mind - and she’ll probably end up sitting on the floor drinking wine with you by the end of your project. Debbie is more than a designer, she’s a bright light to each of her clients, bringing clarity and fun to every space she touches.